Your Industry  

Filling the gaps


If you are one of the advisers affected, there are a couple of ways in which to identify your gap-fill requirements and the one you choose is dependent upon your level of masochism. The first method is purely for those who have a lot of time on their hands and a love of FSA-produced written material. It means going through the FSA guidebook to find the possible learning objectives on which there might be gaps to fill (around 109 of them) and cross-referencing them against the syllabi of the examinations you have taken. In all seriousness I would not recommend this as a viable option. It is true that you would get the ‘pure’ data, as opposed to a third party’s interpretation, but most of those third parties have worked with the FSA in order to ensure the details they hold are completely reliable.

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In my opinion the best tool to identify your gap-fill needs is that of the Chartered Insurance Institute or the Personal Finance Society. It is available to members through the websites and can help you quickly and easily assess your knowledge gaps, as well as offering solutions on how to address them. However the majority of examination and accredited bodies offer something similar so if you have not yet found a gap-fill assessment tool, there are a number of them available so you can find the one which works best for you. Once you have identified the gaps you need to fill, there is an ever-increasing number of routes through which you can address them. Some of the gaps need more work to fill than others. For example, the area of ethics and regulation was missing in its entirety from the pre-2010 exam syllabi and therefore needs quite a lot of work to achieve all of the associated FSA learning objectives, whereas other, smaller, gaps may require you to just read a single document.


With a wealth of support material available to those who do have gap-fill requirements, again you need to find the method of addressing each gap which best suits the way in which you learn, and also the way which is most appropriate to the time frame within which you are working. You are likely to find each potential learning outcome covered in a number of ways through the sources mentioned above including, but not limited to, attending presentations, watching videos online, taking the relevant module of an exam and reading relevant material.