
Built for income - how to fund a long term retirement

This article is part of
Retirement Freedom and Responsibility - March 2015

In a falling market, investors would be forced to sell more units when prices are falling to sustain their required income. All of this means fewer units or shares to cash-in for the future and fewer units or shares to benefit from futures price rises.

With so many people expected to retire over the coming years, multi-asset income funds, with all the potential benefits they offer, are likely to see a continued surge in popularity.

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The differences between natural income and unit encashment

Unit/shares encashed to pay an incomeNo units/shares encashed to pay an income
Amount of income paid will depend on number of units/shares encashed and their priceAmount of income paid will depend on dividends flowing from underlying investments (number of shares x dividend per share = income)

The level of income can be potentially “managed” but the amount of units/shares that need to be encashed to achieve a desired level of income will depend on their price

Dividends per share can fluctuate but are not dependent on the price of shares
During market stress investors will be forced to sell more shares to get the income they require

During market stress investors are not forced to sell more shares and are paid to wait for capital prices to appreciate

The number of units/shares will decrease – possibly very significantly over the long termThe number of units/shares will not decrease, even over the long term and dividends per share can increase over time

For more information about Premier’s multi-asset income solutions, visit the Premier Asset Management website;

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