
Passives' rise unhindered by geopolitical events

This article is part of
The Guide: passive investing

  • Grasp the importance of passive growth on the broader industry
  • Gain an understanding of recent and developing trends in the space
  • Comprehend the impact of passive flows on different asset classes

Peter Gunthorp, managing director of research and analytics at FTSE Russell, says: “The results indicate that risk reduction, return enhancement and improving diversification remain as the primary objectives for use of smart beta. 

“FTSE Russell has also seen strong interest, particularly from European asset owners, in integrating ESG considerations with smart beta, highlighting a new trend for passive investment strategies.”

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$658bn – total assets in ETFs and ETPs listed in Europe. 

2,257 – Number of ETF/ETP products in Europe

60 – The number of providers of ETFs/ETPs in Europe

Source: ETFGI


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to Mr Mattar, what has happened to the difference in inflows between European-domiciled equity ETFs and their fixed income counterparts?

  2. What products, in Mr Weeks’ view, have proliferated in the last decade as a result of passive industry growth?

  3. Which new trend for the passives industry has Peter Gunthorp pointed to?

  4. What has the global ETP industry done over the past four years, according to figures from the BlackRock Global ETP Landscape report for April 2017?

  5. How many companies own more than half of the ETF industry's assets?

  6. Which of the following has Mr Gunthorp not identified as a primary objective for the use of smart beta?

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You should now know…

  • Grasp the importance of passive growth on the broader industry
  • Gain an understanding of recent and developing trends in the space
  • Comprehend the impact of passive flows on different asset classes

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