Join FTAdviser today (20 February) for a debate on how clean, green technology is set to create a long-term investment trend for your clients.
Over the past few years, investments in clean infrastructure, smart technology and robotics have been gaining traction as the growth of these disruptive sectors is driving change.
But how much can investors really benefit from the clean energy revolution? Is it a trend or a fad, a real long-term investment proposition or a fashionable values-based investment theme?
To help address these questions, and to find out whether your clients could benefit from the new wave of disruption, FTAdviser and ETF Securities has brought together a panel of specialists across the fields of financial advice and asset management to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing investors.
Bookmark this page for the event, which will be held at 12 noon today (20 February).
You can send questions ahead of the event to simoney.kyriakou@ft.com or via Twitter to @FTAdviser using the hashtag #FTAOnAir, and connect with us on the day by using the comments panel.