Talking Point  

Guide to multi-asset investing in unpredictable times

  • Describe some of the challenges around multi-asset investing
  • Explain the impact of high inflation on asset classes
  • Identify how fund managers are finding ways to diversify
Guide to multi-asset investing in unpredictable times
(Olivier_Le_Moal/Envato Elements)


Multi-asset investing was designed to offer diversification in a single portfolio as an easy introduction to investing for the novice investor, and also a straightforward way to balance out various risks that hit a variety of stocks in different ways.

As we are fully embedded in an interest rate-raising environment, with inflation stubbornly high, many experts are calling for a recession as being the only real cure.

Whether or not this actually occurs is open to question, but those subject to rising housing costs are being forced to rein in their spending, even on essentials.

So what does this mean for the investor? Typically bonds and equities have been part of the same portfolio to balance each other out, but recently there has been positive correlation between the two, and there are concerns about being in a high interest rate environment with lower economic activity.

This guide, for Schroders Talking Point, hopes to address some of the problems that arise for investors.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. In the first article, why do equities and real assets suffer in a period of high inflation?

  2. In the second article what is the core component for one fund manager's investment process when looking at bonds?

  3. In the second article, Dean Cook says central banks are still at the beginning of their interest rate hiking cycle, true or false?

  4. In the third article, which of the following does the fund manager NOT use when looking for a 'genuine' diversifier?

  5. According to the third article, high inflation negatively impact tech stocks, true or false?

  6. Economic shifts in the transition to a zero-carbon economy pose long-term risk to investment returns, according to the fourth article, true or false?

Nearly There…

You have successfully answered all the questions correctly, well done!

You should now know…

  • Describe some of the challenges around multi-asset investing
  • Explain the impact of high inflation on asset classes
  • Identify how fund managers are finding ways to diversify

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