Damian Fantato
Damian Fantato is the deputy editor of FTAdviser. He is the winner of the 2018 Headlinemoney Trade Journalist of the Year award. Before working on FTAdviser he was political reporter on a regional newspaper.
Help advisers help clients
Damian Fantato

Rise of the robots
Damian Fantato

Morals trump money
Damian Fantato

Demands for the next govt
Damian Fantato

Regulator needs to adapt
Damian Fantato

Consolidation can be boon for advice profession
Damian Fantato

Clumsy providers risk more than poaching
Damian Fantato

FCA stance on self-insurance is own-goal
Damian Fantato

Education for the masses
Damian Fantato

A claim too late for most
Damian Fantato

Following in SJP’s footsteps
Damian Fantato

Be clearer on costs
Damian Fantato

End the Brexit madness
Damian Fantato

SMCR could lower costs
Damian Fantato

Summer loving for the value of advice
Damian Fantato

Charging ban not all bad
Damian Fantato

FCA needs to help, not hinder, advisers
Damian Fantato

More long-term pensions thinking required
Damian Fantato

Addressing a lack of trust
Damian Fantato