Samantha Downes
Samantha has been a personal finance and consumer journalist for 20 years. She has also written several books on personal finance and been behind the launch of several well-known financial news websites.
Going on the sick?
Samantha Downes

Hanged, drawn and quartered
Samantha Downes

Caring about the long term
Samantha Downes

Don't forget Generation X
Samantha Downes

Pensions take second place
Samantha Downes

Summer of discontent
Samantha Downes

Happy 30th birthday FA!
Samantha Downes

Why it's up to men to help solve the gender gap
Samantha Downes

Tax is not taxing
Samantha Downes

Financial advice? Why we’d rather put out the rubbish
Samantha Downes

A raid on the self-employed
Samantha Downes

Spring has sprung (almost)
Samantha Downes

Advisers' robo face off
Samantha Downes

We are all living ‘on tick’
Samantha Downes

Ensure the price is right
Samantha Downes

Gender Lens Investing by Joseph Quinlan and Jackie VanderBrug
Samantha Downes

Creatures of comfort
Samantha Downes

Time to stop talking shop
Samantha Downes

Time for solid definitions
Samantha Downes